· Elessaro Laire Ondoro ·
Non-poetic Quenya translation
Ondor! Ondor, imbe Oronti ar Ear!
Númenya Súre hwestane yanome; i cále Telpornonna
Lantane ve calima miste olvarwassen i enwine Aranion.
A halle rambi! Fane mindon! A rámava rie ar maltava mahalma!
A Ondor, Ondor! Firyar Teleporno cenuvar,
Var Númenya Súre enwestuva imbe Oronti ar Ear?
English source
Gondor! Gondor, between the Mountains and the Sea!
West Wind blew there; the light upon the Silver Tree
Fell like bright rain in gardens of the Kings of old.
O proud walls! White towers! O wingéd crown and throne of gold!
O Gondor, Gondor! Shall Men behold the Silver Tree,
Or West Wind blow again between the Mountains and the Sea?
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