· Feanáro Laire ·


Feanáro né Finwion
Anantana Eldaron
Halla ar vanima néro
Hendurya mista ar findesserya - móro

Valarya né quetil
Ar néro maite lambendil
Autanero mára tencele
Ya nente i men Rúmilo aule

Calo lúmesse
Nelde mirilli cárero
Yar ner ve hroa I Calan Aldato

Nan mine aure asaro Amanesse
Melko ar Ungoliante tuller morniesse
Nurtalen tullente
Ar I Aldu sangwanente

Valar ar Eldar hostaner
Ar Feanárollo maquenter
Anta i mirilli ten
Nan Feanáro avane ten

Ohtaquentero Vali
Mance Telelli
Nente ciryantar fáne
Endorenna cirne

Apa utúliero Endorenna
Lende Angamandonna
Néro mácina Osomauconen
Hroarya né uryane nárenen

   I lindo telyane linderya.
   Sí polil pelir márilyannar.
   Nan Feanáro maruva Námo mardessen oiale.

Non-poetic and non-literal English translation

Feanor was son of Finwe
Most gifted of Elves
Tall and fair he was
His eyes were grey and his hair was dark

His power was language
And he was skilled linguist
He invented useful writing system
Which replaced Rúmil's invention

In former times
In times of light
He created three shining jewels
Which were like body for The Light of the Two Trees

But in one day of festival in Aman
Melkor and Ungoliant came in darkness
In hide they came
And they poisoned The Two Trees

Valar and Elves gathered
And from Feanor asked
To give to them the jewels
But Feanor refused

He rebeled the Valar
Slew the Teleri
Stealed their white ships
To Middle-earth sailed

After he has come to Middle-earth
He went to Angband
He was slain by Gothmog
His body was burnt by flame

   The bard finished his song.
   You can return now to your homes.
   But Feanor will abide in Námo's (Mandos) halls forever.

Linguistic analysis and comments

Feanor be-past Finwe-son_of
 I used the Quenya form of Feanor, Feanáro.
 I used 'né' for 'was', as many writers do.
 I used the postfix -ion which means 'son of'.
Most-give-past_participle Elf-pl-of
High and fair be-past-he
Eyes-pair-his grey and hair-his - darkness-of
 I omitted the copula, for it is not needed in this sentence (I wrote it in the previous line) and writing it will make the sentece longer and harder to sing.
 _findesserya - móro_ = his hair - of darkness = his hair was dark. I used this unusual form because it fits well the rhythm.

Power-his be-past language
And be-past-he skilled language-lover_of
 lambendil = lover of language = linguist.
Make-past-he useful writing_system
 Of course I meant to the Tengwar of Feanor.
Which get-past the place Rúmil-of invention
 nente i men = got the place = replaced.

Light-of time-in
Three shining_jewel-pl make-past-he
 The Silmarilli, of course.
Which-pl be-past-pl like body The Light-of Tree-pair-of
 I used plural form of which (_yar_), and not normal singular, learning from _yassen_ (*plural* locative) in the Namárie.

But one day festival-of Aman-in
Melkor and Ungoliant come-past-pl darkness-in
 I used the form _Melko_ for Melkor, because I think it sounds much better.
 I know that the correct case for _morniesse_ is instrumental (_mornienen_), but locative fits the rhythm well. In addition, this specific darkness was quite 'real', so they could be *in* it.
Hiding-by come-past-they
And The Tree-pair poison-past-they
 I know that _sangwa_ is noun, but I used it as a verb.

Vala-pl and Elf-pl gather-past-pl
And Feanor-from ask-past-pl
 Yes, I know it isn't rhythming... If you have a better idea, please let me know. Thanks.
Give-to the shining_jewel-pl them-to
But Feanor refuse-past them-to

War-say-past-he Vala-pl
 _Ohtaquet-_ (war+say) is my construction for the verb 'to rebel'.
 _Vali_ is a legal plural of _Vala_.
Slay-past Teler-pl
 Another name of the _Teleri_ is _Telelli_.
Get-past ship-their-pl white-pl
 There is no word neither for 'to steal' nor for 'to take', so I used 'get'.
 The order of the words is poetical, like in the Namárie.
Middle_earth-to sail-past

After come-perfect-he Middle_earth-to
Go-past Angband-to
 Angamando = Iron-gaol = Angband.
Be-past-he slay-past_participal Gothmog-by
 I am not sure if this sentence is valid grammatically.
 Osomauco = Gothmog.
Body-his be-past burn-past flame-by

 This is an epilog epilogue, it is not rhymed.
The singer finish-past song-his.
 I used _lindo_ 'singer (also a bird)' for bard.
Now can-aorist-you house-your-to-pl.
But Feanor abide-will Námo-of hall-in-pl forever.

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