Translated by Yehuda Ronen
This translation is based on Gearóid Mac Cuinneagáin's English translation and on Robert Kaucher's Portuguese translation, as well as on a very limited knowledge in Old Gaelic and Irish.
Im sûl erin gaer,
Im falf alagosen,
Im rû i 'aearon,
Im mund rais odog,
Im fî erin orod,
Im nîn Anor,
Im loth vain,
Im brêglavan vrêg,
Im lim ned lîn,
Im ael erin lad,
Im lam in linnyn,
Im ech nagrol,
Im balan i lacha i nôl,
Man echant i thî trî eryd harn?
Man ista gonoded endrain Ithil?
Man ista mas Anor ned aduial?
Man garn ir aes od adab i Nagorgorch?
Man iuitha i aes i Nagorgorch?
Man adan, man balan echad vegyl laeg?
Peth chelch - peth ring?
Interlinear translation:
Mutation are removed but marked with a ° sign for clarity. The word order is of Sindarin, not of English.
I've omitted the definite article in the 'I am the...', basing on the Old Gaelic and Irish text. After all, Sindarin is Celtic-like tongue.
Im sûl erin gaer,
I [am the] wind on-the sea,
Im falf alagosen,
I [am the] foam stormy,
Im rû i °gaearon,
I [am the] loud-sound [of] the ocean,
Im mund rais odog,
I [am the] bear [of] horns seven,
Im fî erin orod,
I [am the] hawk on-the mountain,
Im nîn Anor,
I [am the] tear [of] the-sun,
Im loth °bain,
I [am the] flower beautiful,
Im breglavan °brêg,
I [am the] boar fierce,
Im lim ned lîn,
I [am the] fish in [the] pool,
Im ael erin lad,
I [am the] lake on-the plain,
Im lam in linnyn,
I [am the] tongue [of] the singers,
Im ech °dagrol
I [am the] spear battling,
Im balan i lacha i °dôl,
I [am the] god who flames the head,
Man echant i °tî trî eryd °sarn?
Who made the ways through mountains [of] stone?
Man ista gonoded endrain Ithil?
Who know to reckon [the] ages [of the] moon?
Man ista mas Anor ned aduial?
Who know where [the] sun [is] in [the] evening?
Man garn ir aes od adab i °Dagorgorch?
Who have the meat (cooked food) from [the] house [of] the Warcrow?
Man iuitha i aes i °Dagorgorch?
Who enjoy (maybe 'use') the meat [of] the Warcrow?
Man adan, man balan echad °megyl laeg?
Which man, which god make swords sharp?
Peth °helch - peth ring?
[The] word bitter-cold - word cold?
*alagosen 'stormy'; cf. alagos 'storm of wind'
*fî 'hawk'; cf. Q fion (etym. PHI) '(maybe) hawk'
*breglavan 'boar'; brêg 'wild, fierce' + lavan 'animal'
lim usual 'fast', but here '(fast) fish'
*Dagorgorch 'Warcrow'; dagor 'war, battle' + corch 'crow'. The word gorgor 'extreme horror' is hiding in the name.
iuitha- Christopher Tolkien wrote that iuitho is 'to enjoy', but J.R.R. Tolkien's handwrite was hardly legible. It is probably 'to use, to employ, to enjoy', which is also fit well to the meaning, lacking a word for 'to please, to enjoy'.
man usual 'what?, who?', but here '*which'. Note that the Old Gaelic text use the word cia for 'who' and for 'which'.
Am gaeth i m-muir
Gan ainm [attributed to Ameirgin]
Am gaeth i m-muir,
Am tond trethan,
Am fuaim mara,
Am dam secht ndirend,
Am séig i n-aill,
Am dér gréne,
Am cain lubai,
Am torc ar gail,
Am he i l-lind,
Am loch i m-maig,
Am brí a ndai
[Am brí dánae*]
Am gái i fodb feras feochtu,
Am dé delbas do chind codnu,
Coiche nod gleith clochur slébe?
Cia on co tagair aesa éscai?
Cia du i l-laig fuiniud gréne?
Cia beir buar o thig Tethrach?
Cia buar Tethrach tibi?
Cia dám, cia dé delbas faebru a ndind ailsiu?
Cáinte im gai -- cainte gaithe?
P. L. Henry's translation, from Saoithiúlacht na Sean-Ghaeilge (1978):
Is gaoth i muir mé,
Is tonn borbfharraigí i dtír,
Is fuaim mara,
Is damh seacht mbeann,
Is seabhac in aill mé,
Is déar gréine,
Is élainn.
Is torc ar ghail mé,
Is bradán i linn,
Is loch i magh,
Is briathar aindéithe,
Is focal éigse,
Is ga creiche mé a dhéanann ruathair,
Is dia mé a dhealbhann tine don cheann.
Cé (eile) a fhuasclóidh an clochar sléibhe?
Cé (eile) a fhógróidh aois éasca?
Nó an áit a mbíonn fuineadh gréine?
Cé a thugann eallach ó thigh Tethra?
Cé a bhaineann sult as eallach Tethra?
Cén duine, cén dia a dhealbhann faobhair
Ar an ard a bhfuilir?
Álainn an duine atá i mbun géargha an cháintigh.
Henry notes that "ar domni" is appended to the first line in the Book of Leinster (LL) and says "is inmheasta gur gluais istigh sa téacs 'ar domni'". That's the only gloss he mentions. He also calls attention to line 11, which reads "briandai" in LL, and which he interprets as "bríandei" and translates accordingly ("a word of un-gods"). This differs from the edition of the text that Alexei has, and which Cliodhna Cussen apparently followed: "Mé briathar dána".
Translated by Gearóid Mac Cuinneagáin
I am the wind on the sea
I am the stormy wave
I am the sound of the ocean
I am the bull with seven horns
I am the hawk on the cliff-face
I am the sun's tear
I am the beautiful flower
I am the boar on the rampage
I am the salmon in the pool
I am the lake on the plain
I am the defiant word
I am the spear charging to battle
I am the god who put fire in your head
Who made the trails through stone mountains?
Who knows the age of the moon?
Who knows where the setting sun rests?
Who took the cattle from the house of the Warcrow?
Who pleases the Warcrow's cattle?
What bull, what god created the mountain skyline?
The cutting word - the cold word?
Translated by Levana and Yehuda Litani, from Irish Mythology (2002).
Note: some browsers doesn't show this text well.
This is poetic translation, and seems to be partial.
Translated by Robert Kaucher
Sou um vento sobre o mar,
Sou uma onda do oceano,
Sou um som do mar,
Sou um boi com sete cornos,
Sou um uma águia em um penhasco,
Sou uma lágrima do sol,
Sou a mais bela das flores,
Sou um javali em bravura,
Sou um salmão em uma lagoa,
Sou um lago na planície,
Sou um monte dos poetas,
Sou a ponta da lança que dá batalha,
Sou o deus que criou o fogo na cabeça,
Quem explica as rochas das montanhas?
Quem pode interpretar as idades da lua?
Quem sabe onde o sol se póe?
Quem leva o gado para fora da casa de Tethra?
Quem é o gado de Tethra que ri?
Qual homem, qual deus faz armas afiadas?
Encantação sobre uma lança -- encantação do vento?